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POST /API/v2/delete_column

Deletes the user-defined data column specified by the name POST argument. See example.

Request body

  • slicer_name: the name of the report.
  • project_name: the name of the project.
  • name: the name of the user-defined data column to be deleted.


  • status: the status of the request. success, if the request was processed successfully, or error code, if any error occurred. If the status is not success**, then the response contains the status and reason fields only. Possible values:
    • success: the request was processed successfully.
    • bad_request: invalid request parameters, please see the reason field for more details.
    • timeout: the request took too long to complete.
    • access_error: the user doesn't have access to the specified project/slicer, or a wrong token was used.
    • internal_error: the request failed due to an unknown problem.
  • reason: user-friendly description of the occurred error. This field is displayed for failed requests only.


Delete a certain custom data column (custom_column_2211 in this example). Before testing this method please create a new custom data column by using the save_column method. The value of the name POST argument in this method should be equal to the value of the name parameter in the response of the the save_column method.



   "slicer_name": "Traffic Demo",
   "project_name": "demo",
   "name" : "custom_column_2211"
curl --data '{
  "slicer_name": "Traffic Demo",
  "project_name": "demo",
}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \


  "status" : "success"