Date formats

  • Absolute dates: YYYY-MM-DD.
  • Relative dates:

  • today, yesterday

  • - N d and - N days for the number of days since the current date, where N- any positive integer or zero.
  • - N m and - N months for the number of months since the current date, where N- any positive integer or zero.
  • - N m_first, - N months_first- N m_last, and - N month_last for the first and the last day of the specified monthcorrespondingly, where N- any positive integer or zero.
  • -N d_m_first, where N- any positive integer. The first day of the month matches the following date: current date + N days. Examples for the current date of 2021-10-12:

Template Resulting start_date
-15d_m_first 2021-09-01
0d_m_first 2021-10-01
15d_m_first 2021-10-01
-100d_m_first 2021-07-01
30d_m_first 2021-11-01